We all have seasons in our lives. It comes straight from the Word itself. (Ecclesiastes 3:2). And some of those seasons are very hard and last a long time. Like the winters in North Dakota where I am from, but through all the seasons in our lives God is there to help us. Kent and I recently went through a relatively short season of time (4 months) where he was flying back and forth from Texas to Montana to work. He was gone from 2-3 weeks at a time and only home for 1. It was much tougher than I anticipated. Having to deal with the stress of being in the last stages of pregnancy, 12 kids, homeschooling and just trying to make sure everything is up and running was very hard. It seemed that the only time something major would happen was when he was gone. Sick kids the moment he left and ER visits late at nite when my 14 year old could handle the house for a couple of hours. No kitchen sink for a week (that was a fun one) and having to empty my washing machine during the spin cycle for a month by hand until we could get a part for it, were just some of the fun things that I dealt with.
As I write I think really it wasn't that bad....but in the midst it was hard to keep that perspective. My church family and the mercies of God each day were the only thing that kept me going.
I don't know how you do it, are the words that I hear most often from other moms that I am talking too. I do it because it is what I have been called to do, its the blessing that I have been given. I don't know how military families "Do It". How single moms and dads "Do It". How parents with kids that have disabilities "Do It". How parents that have lost children "Do It". As that is not anything that I have had to deal with. But I do know that God does only give us what we can handle, even though at times it seems he trusts us with a awful lot, and we weren't meant to do it alone.
For those of you that are reading this, thank you. Thank you for the support, for the compliments, encouragement and prayers that I have received when I needed it most. Please know that I love you guys and am truly blessed by all of you.
We are now heading into a new season with
Kent here in Texas to stay and me at 39 weeks and waiting for the next
family member to arrive. I am anxiously awaiting what God is going to do