Because I have so many children there are many times that I get so caught up in the day to day survival mode....some days its minute to minute. I often don't slow down, let alone stop to look at how much fun my life really is. Children are so full of energy and do the most amazing things, and way to frequently I forget the innocence that surrounds them and I look at the mess that was made.
We have an age range of the oldest being 13 and the youngest will turn 1 in two days. Its hard to remember the fact that they are just kids and not adults. They don't have the reasoning skills that I do. Logic isn't in their vocab, though it is my lifeline. When my 7 year old son, who the expression a bull in a china shop was written for, puts his baby sister on his shoulders, he doesn't think "this probably isn't a good idea". He thinks, "She will love this."
As I try and teach my children responsiblitly and logic, They teach me to lighten up and not be so serious. Though it stinks to clean up a 22 month old repeatly because he has gotten into the peanut butter jar that wasn't put away properly, its not the end of the world. Life will go on.......Take a picture that you can laugh at on a different day.....
Life is hard enough without worrying over the small stuff. My house will never win any awards. It is always a mess, and we are constantly just trying to keep it livable. I tell people that walk in "I'm sorry for the mess, I would tell you it will look better next time but that would be a lie" But my home is filled with blessings that most do not have.
Thank you to my 11 wonderful children who without them I wouldn't be able to Learn To Fly!!
You have an amazing family. I know that people don't understand and some never will why two people would want 12 kids in this world. You have 12 wonderful children that are raised in a loving home and all love Jesus. 12 little leaders that will change the world and have already made their mark. Happy New Year.